Saturday, December 15, 2012

'Tis The Season for Citrus

Clementine oranges have been a huge hit in our household this citrus season. So much so that I have enough material for a whole blog post dedicated to them. Really? A whole post just about oranges? Yes, it's true! Just keep reading. Here's what my children have been saying about Clementines this year...

Story #1
Isaac's two favorite things in the whole wide world are food and balls. The clementine gloriously unites two favorite things into one extremely favorite thing. He knows where I keep them on our countertop. Throughout the day, I find him pacing back in forth in front of that spot, pointing to them and saying, "Ball! Ball! Ball!..." He then occasionally rubs his hand against his chest, signing "please." This happens 8, 9, 10+ times a day.

Story #2
I've been working with Miranda on synonyms, so I frequently tell her, "Another word for Daddy is Father" or "another word for sofa is couch." You get the point. Yesterday, we were all eating clementines, and she confidently declared, "Mommy, another word for orange is lemon time." Apparently we've been having a lot of lemon time around here lately. Maybe next we should work on pronunciation.

Story #3
After handing Isaac his third (maybe fourth?) clementine at breakfast, I said, "I should tell Santa to fill your stocking with oranges." Miranda immediately got a panicked look in her eyes and a split-second later she yelled, "tell Santa I want chocolate!" It's much as we like oranges, we still like chocolate better.

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