Sunday, March 20, 2011

Speaking Up

Today at the park, Zane was climbing up the jungle gym, and Miranda shouted at him, "careful Daddy!" Then at bedtime, she was jumping on her bed and I told her to "sit on her bottom." (We have this conversation on an hourly basis) She immediately turned to her stuffed monkey and said, "monkey, sit on bottom."

Thursday, March 17, 2011


The past few weeks have been pretty tough ones for us. I have been feeling very sick with this pregnancy. In the long term, I know nausea and sickness are signs of a healthy pregnancy. In the short-term, I've done my fair share of whining and complaining. Miranda has also been fighting an ear infection. We went back to the doctor this week and started our second round of antibiotics. Hopefully this stronger antibiotic will clear up the infection. Unlike her mother, Miranda is an ideal sick patient. She has still been her happy, cheerful self. Zane has been an all-star, caring for two sick girls the past six weeks!

Since I haven't updated the blog in such a long time, here are a few things we have been up to recently. First, a cultural revolution is on its way in our home. Many of you know that Miranda loves Elmo with all her heart. Elmo used to be a shoe-in for Miranda's afternoon video. But in the past few weeks, Clifford the Big Red Dog has contended for that #1 spot in Miranda's life. Right now, Clifford and Elmo are in hot competition.

Miranda also loves cameras. She notices every time we take her picture now and wants to see herself on the camera. She also wants to take pictures. But greasy hands and a camera lens don't mix very well so Miranda has learned to improvise. Here, she's taking pictures with her sock.

Miranda is really into building towers too. She had a lot of fun with Daddy this morning building this big tower. When she put the last block on top, she shouted, "it's so big!"