Saturday, December 8, 2012

Catching Up...Isaac (part 2)

And here is what Isaac's been doing the past few months...

Isaac turned one in September! Everyday he is more and more a little boy and less and less a baby. Because of his allergies, instead of a birthday cake, he had a birthday balloon. He didn't know the difference and ran around with a death-grip on his balloon for weeks :)
This fair boy actually likes wearing sun glasses. He's so cool.
Isaac is a climber. It doesn't matter what - a bed, the jungle-gym, the sofa, chairs, whatever.
The beach might just be his favorite place on earth. It's dirty, there are birds, he can scream and shout. If only there wasn't water, it might just be perfect.
I just love this sweet, gummy grin. It is slowly being replaced by a sweet, toothy grin. In the past month, four teeth have come in. If you look close, you can see the beginnings of the two bottom teeth.
Isaac LOVES his daddy, so, so much! Every evening, as soon as Isaac hears Zane at the door, he screams "DADADADADA!" and runs to the door.
Last weekend, we went to a Christmas lights boat parade. Isaac sat, pointed and said "Santa Claus!" at every boat. (No kidding!) He is talking more and more every day. He can say Mama, Dada, book, truck, ball, and Santa Claus.
Isaac's role model is Miranda. Whatever she does, he wants to do. This is the table after Miranda had been making crafts all afternoon. As soon as she left the table, he hopped up and started imitating her.
One of my favorite things Isaac does is just lay down when he's tired. It doesn't matter where. If he's tired, he just stops and rests for a few minutes.

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