Sunday, November 14, 2010

Christmas Present

Miranda is getting a bike for Christmas, but there is just one problem. We already gave it to her. We couldn't help ourselves. She loves bikes so much. Every time we go for a walk, she points out the bikes and then talks about them for hours. Every time she is close enough to touch a bike, she insists upon riding it, even though she does not know how to ride a bike and even though most of the bikes she has seen are way too big for her. Joy floods her face when she just sits on a bike's seat, dangling her little legs toward the pedals. Since we gave it to her, she has woken up asking, "outside bike please." Giving her a Christmas present six weeks early was probably not our smartest parenting move, but we don't care. It's been worth every afternoon this week, sitting watching Miranda scoot around on her bike. So this is our plan. While the weather has been nice, we are going to let her ride the bike. While we are with family for Thanksgiving, we are going to hide the bike and hope that she forgets about it. Then, three weeks later on Christmas morning, we will give her the bike again.

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