Monday, September 6, 2010

Yea Forks!

For the past few weeks, Miranda has been learning how to feed herself. She can successfully land food into her mouth with a spoon, but it's such a messy process that she inevitably has to take a bath immediately after the meal. The first few times this happened, it was sweet and cute. But having to bathe Miranda every time she wants to feed herself (which is a lot!) has become a little of an inconvenience. My solution? Forks! Miranda has already started to master forking technique, and she is quite cleanly with them too. Look at her focus and determination.

When she cannot get the food directly onto the fork, she picks it up and sticks it on.

What a happy, clean baby!

Also, on Saturday, Zane took Miranda to the park in the morning. It was a chilly morning so we dressed Miranda in some of her fall clothes. It surprised me how much older Miranda looked in her sweater and pants.

And one last thing, Miranda has been showing a lot of enthusiasm lately. When we ask her questions like, do you want to go outside? Or would you like some milk? Her eyes get big and she shouts, "YEA!!!!" It's super adorable.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a deep concentration she has while using that fork! What great photos!!