Saturday, July 17, 2010

Too Cute!

Miranda has been knocking our socks off with her cuteness lately. For example, tonight while we were making dinner, Miranda was with us in the kitchen, holding her teddy bear and singing to him. Then she put the teddy bear "to bed" in a toy box and walked away so he could sleep. This is exactly how we put Miranda to bed each night, cuddles and singing. Look how happy her teddy bear is, resting in his little crib.

Miranda also begs us to wash her hands. All day long, she comes to us, holding her hands out, saying "ah, ah, ah." (Translation: I really, really want this) She is actually quite accomplished at rubbing her hands together with the soap and then rinsing. In fact, she keeps trying to expand her talents to feet washing and would stand up in the sink if we let her. Her hand-drying skills still need some work, but with a little more practice, she'll get the hang of it. Today, we bought a stool so she could stand and wash her hands by herself. Let's hope she continues to enjoy washing her hands for many years to come!

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