Saturday, September 12, 2009


About three weeks ago, HGTV showed up at our house. OK, not really but close enough. My parents came out for Miranda's baptism, and they helped us settle into our new house. They brought and planted azaleas, lilies, and irises. They helped us set up our internet (we had to install a phone jack). They unpacked and tore down boxes. They hung drapes. They hung pictures. They bought Miranda an ugly dresser at Goodwill, sanded it, painted it and now it is better than new. Most importantly, they got us hooked on HGTV. (We do not have a tv, but HGTV's website has old episodes from its programs) Here are a few highlights from the time.

Mom hanging drapes

Before the weekend, Miranda's room was empty except for her crib and chair. Now look at it!

Miranda's nursery: butterfly quilt made by one of Zane's youth group kids, dresser that we refurbished, Miranda's name on the wall that we painted and hung, and her dresser (including our wedding picture hung above it).

Miranda and Granddaddy before a big day of house work.

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