Wednesday, October 10, 2012

New, New, New

Yep, it's been a long time since I've updated the blog. We have been just a little bit busy with some new things in our a new city. Zane has a new job. Isaac has a new skill...walking! (well, actually running) Miranda has a new school, and she loves it! With a new city, we have all been exposed to new germs and had to visit our new doctor's office 12 (yes, 12!) times in the two months since we moved. Overall, we love living in Florida but definitely miss St. Louis. A lot of things have changed, but Miranda and Isaac are still their sweet, fun, adorable selves. Here's a few recent videos. You can see how much they have grown in just a few weeks.

Isaac could climb like this ALL DAY!

Miranda is working on her dance moves.

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