Thursday, January 12, 2012

Some Days

Some days are harder than others in our home. And some days Miranda and Isaac are fussier than usual. And some days I'm more impatient than I should be. And some days those things all happen at once. I'd like to say these days are few and far between, but that's not true. Today was one of them, but this post is not about today. It's about one of those days a few weeks ago. By late morning, I was already counting down the hours to bed time. By the afternoon, we were all just done for the day, and daddy wasn't going to be home to reinvigorate us for another long hour. We all needed a break so I put on a video for Miranda and laid Isaac down on a blanket with a toy. I went into the kitchen to clean up a little bit. When I came back to the living room to check on Miranda and Isaac, Miranda was lying on the floor next to Isaac. They were holding hands and quietly watching their video. It was just so cute, and a gentle reminder that these days when Isaac and Miranda are little are precious. Even though on days like today time seems to stand still, there will come a day when I will miss Miranda and Isaac being so small.


P.J. and Nola said...

I love it and can totally relate. PJ is out of town 5 days this week, and last night it took me 2 hours to put both boys to sleep! I burst out in to tears and God whispered to me, "Nola, I won't give you more than you can handle; I have chosen you for this, and since you are chosen for it, you can handle it!"

Unknown said...

This was the cutest post yet Beth! Sweet photo too... you're right, they will be grown up and gone before you know it- take my word for that!