Friday, December 30, 2011


I have to admit that one of the strangest but funniest things about being a parent is seeing my own parents do things with Miranda and Isaac that they would have NEVER done when I was little! For example, when she visits, my mom gives Miranda coffee with ice cream in it for breakfast. I grew up on "good-for-you" cereal that tasted like cardboard (poor me). Honestly, it doesn't bother me because I think it's a privilege that makes grandparents special.

Well, the last night of my parents' visit, it was time for Miranda to go to bed, but I first wanted to get a picture of Nana, Granddaddy, Miranda and Isaac all together. For whatever reason, probably because she was overtired, Miranda pitched a fit at this idea. She did not want to sit in Nana's lap. She did not want to sit in Granddaddy's lap. She did not want to smile for a picture. After several minutes of trying to get her to cooperate, my mom said to Miranda, "if I give you some change from my purse, would you sit on my lap and take a picture?" Miranda's mood changed on a dime (pun intended). Miranda immediately climbed on the sofa and into Nana's lap. She smiled and laughed for the camera. We got several nice pictures of all four of them together, and it only cost about 60 cents.

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