Monday, October 31, 2011


Here's a quick peek at what we've been up to lately...
We've been wearing jammies with frogs on them.
ZsaZsa and Grandpa Joe visited, and we had a great time with them.
We sneak naps (and cuddles) whenever we can.
And we've been to the park several times to enjoy our gorgeous fall weather.
We've even had an adult conversation or two.
Miranda rode a purple dinosaur...
And the carousel.
Zane and Miranda carved a pumpkin and then made a scarecrow.
Miranda and Isaac went trick-or-treating. Miranda raked in the candy, and we met a lot of our neighbors.
Yesterday, Miranda told me, "Mommy, you are Beth. Daddy is Zane. I am Miranda Joy Hart, and Isaac is sweetheart." That brings the grand total of sweethearts in our family up to two. Life is very full for now, and we are so thankful for every minute with our little kiddos!

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