Saturday, July 2, 2011

Potty Training

Last week, Miranda has been potty training. Here's a video of what she learned to do on the potty this week.

Yes, we gave up on day four, after we realized she just wasn't ready. But we are hoping to try again in August...or whenever.


P.J. and Nola said...

That's so funny! I was scared to watch at first! :)

K & S Dalbey said...

Beth, it has taken us 6 months to potty train Preston, but he finally got it last week. ok, I just made potty training sound horrible. It really wasn't that bad. We just had to keep reminding him to go potty but he finally started telling us when he needed to go potty and now does it all the time. Life is good. I pray Miranda will catch on soon. Remember, she is only 2. Preston will be 3 next month.