Saturday, February 11, 2012


The past 6ish weeks have been tough ones for us. Isaac has been very fussy and has not slept well at all. During the day, he barely let me set him down without screaming, and his naps were sporadic and short. At night, he was waking about four times throughout the night. Yes, that's about every 2-3 hours! They say "when mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." But let me tell you I've learned that "when baby ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." Well, this week we received some much anticipated and prayed for relief! I took Isaac to the allergist on Monday, and he is allergic to dairy, eggs and peanuts - all things I was eating! No wonder he was fussy, his sweet little tummy hurt. After cutting those things from my diet, Isaac is doing much, much better. We are all, in fact, doing much, much better! Every day since I cut out these allergens, Isaac has slept better and in general has been more content. The past two days have especially been great! Just look at that happy face!

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